Aktiv Grotesk Font Family

Aktiv Grotesk Font Family Definition. 2/27/2018 0 Comments. Examples of grotesque fonts include,,,. Akzidenz Grotesk Old Face, Knockout, and Monotype Grotesque are examples of digital fonts that retain more of eccentricities of some of the early sans-serif types.
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License NOTIFICATION OF LICENSE AGREEMENTThis typeface is the property of International Typeface Corporation (ITC) and its use by you is covered under the terms of a license agreement. Xerox 6000 series. You have obtained this typeface software either directly from ITC or together with software distributed by one of the licencees of ITC.This software is a valuable asset of ITC. Unless you have entered into a specific license agreement granting you additional rights, your use of this software is limited to use on up to five (5) workstation for your own publishing use. You may not copy or distribute this software.If you have any questions concerning your rights you should review the license agreement you received with the software or contact ITC for a copy of the license agreement.General information:www.itcfonts.comFor license terms and usage rights, please visit our web site at:www.itcfonts.com/license •.