Cooling Tower Design Calculation Software

Cooling tower. Cooling tower process is generally related with vapor pressure of water and humidity. Norton ghost 16 download. Those theories are briefly described in this guideline to provide the basic understanding of its calculation. Cooling tower sizing can simply be done by graphical methods. Some additional calculation such as water make-up, fan.
The cooling tower itself should be modeled as a tank with design data entered through the Tank property grid as shown in Figure 3. • Elevation should be set to the elevation of the bottom of the basin of the cooling tower. • Surface Pressure should be set to 0.0 psig if the cooling tower is open to atmosphere.
If the cooling tower is pressurized or under vacuum, the pressure (or vacuum) exerted on the surface of the liquid should be entered. • Liquid Level should be set to the level of the liquid as measured from the bottom of the tank, typically the basin depth (5 feet in the model shown above) for cooling towers. Click the Penetrations field of the Tank's property grid to open the Tank Penetrations dialog box, shown in Figure 4. This is where you must specify the Penetration Height of each pipe connected to the tank. For example, the return sprayers come in to the top of the cooling tower at 20 feet measured from the bottom of the tower. The outlet pipe to the suction of the pump penetrates the tower at the bottom of the tank, or 0 feet.
The default penetration height is 0 feet (or meters if metric units are selected). Figure 4. Tank Penetrations dialog box to define the height at which each pipe enters the tank, as measured from the Bottom Elevation of the tank. For reference to older versions of PIPE-FLO see.
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