Gnuboy Gx Channel Installer

Dec 19, 2008 - Gnuboy GX 2008.09.17 (Gameboy (Color) Emulator) Download Neopop Wii. +Load Wad Manager in Homebrew Channel and install. Date Added Application 19 August 2011 Accio Hacks v1.2; (Frodo) v2.4; Genesis Plus v1.6; SaveGame Manager GX r111; Yabause Wii r2649 beta22.
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And don't make us have to define either. If you have any problems or questions, feel free to message a moderator. New to Wii Modding? Start with this link. Have you botched the modding process?
To answer a common question on botched installs; NO you do not have to undo anything. As long as your Wii is still (mostly) functional, find some help, start the modding process over. You (almost) never need to undo what you've already done.

Un-modding your Wii Simply put; No. It can be done to an extent, but there are some things you will never undo. If you want to un-mod your Wii because your current mod job is causing problems, find a better tutorial, start over. Is a fabulous wiki about all things modding for your Wii. Other Wii/Nintendo Communities If there is anything else you'd like added here, just PM it to one of the Mods. Hey guys, I could use some help getting my mod working.
First let me give you a breakdown of what I have. Standard Wii with Letterbomb deployed and Homebrew channel working Homebrew browser with which I downloaded the SNES9x GX and FCE Ultra GX channel 32gb SD card with a self-created /apps and /roms folder As I mentioned I downloaded FCE Ultra GX (SNES also isn't working but I figure I'll apply any advice to both) through Homebrew browser. It successfully created the channel, but when I try to load it all that happens is that it fades back to the Wii menu when I hit start. I know that the download is just for a channel pointer, so I went online and downloaded from it's Github source. I then pasted the un-zipped master file in multiple forms on the SD card to get it to work. I tried: putting the master file in the self-created /apps folder with homebrew browser putting the master file in the root of the SD card putting the contents of the master folder in both the root of the SD card and the /apps folder None of these have worked, and I'm honestly not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Especially since I successfully got homebrew browser working, and none of those methods work with FCE Ultra GX. Is there something special about it? Am I downloading an incorrect master file? Any ideas at all would be super helpful, I can't figure out anything. I have a similar issue except I don't think the emulators are loading.
And like ShameSpear, I've tried all of the different combinations of folder locations and made sure there was a boot.dol in each main file. When I turn on my Wii, I have channels for the FCE Ultra GX, SNES9XGX, and Homebrew. When I click the FCE Ultra GX or SNES9XGX, it acts like it's going to work but after a bit, it just returns to the Wii main screen. So then I go into the Homebrew Channels, click 'Homebrew Browser' on the loader, and I go to the 'emulators' tab of the Homebrew Browser. All I see are channel installers, nothing that says emulator. Any thoughts?
Contents Applications Media players Video and audio Title Description Author Linux-based port of GeeXboX, which uses MPlayer for playback. The GeeXboX Team Native MPlayer port, a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer port, combining elements of MPlayerWii and GeeXboX. Scip, rodries, etc. Native MPlayer port to demonstrate DVD functionality. Team Twiizers Native MPlayer port. ROn Linux-based port of MPlayer. Nuvalo WiiMC (Wii Media Centre) is an open source media player for the Nintendo Wii., Video only Title Description Author An application that allow you to display comics.