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Under the terms of the Convention, the Parties undertake to supply information, when problems of foreign law arise into course of legal proceedings, concerning their law and procedure in civil and commercial fields as well as on their judicial system. Each Party is to set up or appoint two bodies: a 'receiving agency', to receive requests for information from another Party and to take action on its request, and a 'transmitting agency' to receive requests for information from its judicial authorities and to transmit them to the competent foreign receiving agency. The names and addresses of these bodies are communicated by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe to the Parties. 2014-07-29T12:19:00 Official Texts Texts DE, IT, RU Related links Related texts.
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Review the Front of the Pin – The front of the pin should be high in glossy finish. Many of the fake pins includes lines and no glossy finishing. Click on the photo to see the details f the lines in the paint and no glossy finish. Serial Numbers – In recent years, Disney has added serial numbers to the back side of their pins. DS - Disney Wisdom Pin Set - Mulan (3 pins)LR. Lion King - Scar and Hyenas. Disney Auctions - Villains Spinners - Hercules - Hades, Megara, and Hercules ONLYLE 100.
Predstavitev odprtega dostopa do publikacij in raziskovalnih podatkov Za slovenske odločevalce v znanosti Univerza v Ljubljani, Kongresni trg 12, Ljubljana, 24. September 2014. HOW POLICY MAKERS CAN SUPPORT OPEN ACCESS (OA) TO PUBLICATIONS AND OPEN RESEARCH DATA. 1 Promašena egzistencija. Odjednom je počeo lijepo i mnogo govoriti o najnovijim temama, koje je neobično brzo, neočekivano i od sveg srca prihvatio. Tr-ažio je priliku da govori, obilazio je po gr.