Qlab 238 Download

DESCRIPTION Used- Q-Lab QUV/Basic Accelerated Weathering Tester. UV exposure: choice of lamps for various applications. Exposure temperature of up to 176F. Condensation exposure: direct.
Sample temperatures: of up to 140F. Water requirements: either tap or deionized water. Consumptions are approximately 8 liters p/day. Automatic water feed: standard.
Including 1/4' tubing and saddle valve for simple hook up. No drain necessary.
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Electrical: Max. Power consumption 1500 watts. Average power consumption 700 watts. - 110 volt/1200.
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Watts test capacity: 48 samples 3' x 6'. Thickness up to 3/4'. Lamp usage: lamps are rated every 400 hours. Lamp life is approximately 1600 hours.
Used- Q-Lab QUV/Basic Accelerated Weathering Tester. UV exposure: choice of lamps for various applications. Exposure temperature of up to 176F. Condensation exposure: direct. Sample temperatures: of up to 140F. Water requirements: either tap or deionized water.
Consumptions are approximately 8 liters p/day. Automatic water feed: standard. Including 1/4' tubing and saddle valve for simple hook up.
No drain necessary. Electrical: Max. Power consumption 1500 watts.
Average power consumption 700 watts. - 110 volt/1200. Watts test capacity: 48 samples 3' x 6'. Thickness up to 3/4'.
Lamp usage: lamps are rated every 400 hours. Lamp life is approximately 1600 hours.
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