Solar Energy By S P Sukhatme Pdf Editor

The optical performance of solar central tower (CT) systems on hillsides of mountain areas is investigated based on the biomimetic spiral heliostat field distribution algorithm. The optical efficiencies and the field characteristics of different hillside solar field configurations are examined. The effect of various geometric parameters such as hillside tilt angle and the location of the receiver on the optical efficiency of the field are investigated and documented. The study is based on generating a 25 MW th power plant at the location of Sierra Sun Tower in California, USA, using Planta Solar 10 (PS10) heliostats' parameters. This study is performed numerically using a specially developed code using matlab software. The biomimetic spiral distribution pattern and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method were used to obtain optimum solar fields.
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Solar Energy By S P Sukhatme Pdf Writer. Along with the color editor and a really cool pattern selector, were located in an unmarked box of colored squares near.
The spiral distribution shape factors were optimized for pursuing maximum annual weighted field efficiency. It is found that the annual optical weighted field efficiency for hillside solar fields is always lower than that for a flat field for same receiver height.

On the other hand, the field land area for small hillside-slopes is smaller than that of a flat field area. It is found that there is an optimum field tilt angle where the land area is minimum. The minimum field area for the system studied in this paper was associated with (15 deg) field tilt angle. Furthermore, it was found that as the tower height increases the annual optical field weighted efficiency increases until it reaches a peak value.
It was also found that, the closer the tower to the beginning of the heliostat field, the higher the field efficiency with less number of heliostats and less land area. Copyright in the material you requested is held by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (unless otherwise noted). This email ability is provided as a courtesy, and by using it you agree that you are requesting the material solely for personal, non-commercial use, and that it is subject to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Terms of Use. The information provided in order to email this topic will not be used to send unsolicited email, nor will it be furnished to third parties. Please refer to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Privacy Policy for further information.
Garg Centre of Energy Studies Indian Institute of Technology Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016 India Heating of water using solar energy is not new and by using a little science and technology in it, the solar energy can be utilized more effectively and economically for heating the water both for domestic and industrial applications. Solar Water Heaters are popular for the last three decades in countries like USA, Australia, Israel, Japan, India. This is the only solar energy application which is commercially, technic ally and economically viable and has been studied for more than 30 years in many countries. Technical advances in solar water heating have been very rapid in the last 30 years. These are becoming popular not only for domestic use but for large establishments like hostels, hotels, hospitals, industries such as Textile, Paper and Food Processing and even in heating of swimming pools in winter. In few instances the cost of solar water heating systems may be higher than those operated by electricity, gas or other fuel but over a period of time this is more than recovered by the savings in the cost of operations and maintenance.