Zamena Lampochek V Pribornoj Paneli Passat B3

Kako zamenjati sprednji amortizerji na VW PASSAT B5+ 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 [VODIČ] AUTODOC Na naši spletni strani boste našli veliko izbiro avtodelov: ☛ Blazilnik: ☛ Blazilnik za VW: ☛ Blazilnik za VW PASSAT B5+: ☛ VW Avtodeli: Upamo, da vam je ta video pomagal. Kliknite na 'Všeč mi je', in se naročite na naš kanal. AudoDoc na socijalnih omrežjih.
Visit us in the centre of Bled and your holiday will be pleasant and full of activities all the time. Close to our pension, there are a lot of attractions and sights as well as many oportunities for relaxation and recreation. 10 modern and comfortable rooms offer. Object Moved This document may be found here.
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Imejte v mislih, da iuporaba nizko kakovostnih avtomobilskih delov ne zagotavlja ustrezne ravni varnosti v cestnem prometu.
The passenger compartment remained stable in the frontal offset test. Dummy readings showed good protection of the knees and femurs of the driver and passenger. Toyota showed that a similar level of protection would be provided for occupants of different sizes and to those sat in different positions.
The driver's airbag was insufficiently inflated to prevent 'bottoming out', and the head contacted the steering wheel through the airbag material. Although dummy readings were not hazardous, the score was penalised and protection rated as adequate.
Protection of the passenger dummy was good for all critical body areas. In the full width rigid barrier test, protection was good except for the chest of the front seat driver, protection of which was adequate and the chest of the rear seat passenger, protection of which was marginal. In both the side impact barrier test and the more severe side pole impact, the Hilux scored maximum points with good protection of all critical body regions.
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Likewise, tests showed that the whiplash protection provided by the front seats and head restraints was good in the event of a rear end collision and a geometric assessment of the rear seats indicated good protection there also. Increased whiplash protection is provided by an autonomous emergency braking system, available as part of the option pack. The system performed well in tests at the low speeds typical of city driving at which many whiplash accidents occur.
In the frontal offset test, neck tension and chest deceleration revealed, respectively, marginal and weak protection for those body areas in the 6 year dummy. Protection of the 10 year dummy was good, apart from adequate protection of the neck, and, in the side impact was good for all critical body areas for both child dummies. The Hilux has an automatic system for disabling the front passenger airbag when, for example, a rearward-facing child restrain is used in that position. The system met Euro NCAP's requirements and was rewarded. All child restraints for which the Hilux is designed could be accommodated. However, the group 1 ISOFIX seat needed care to ensure correct installation and the rear centre seat is deemed unsuitable for child restraints by Toyota, although restraints could be properly installed there.
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