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En By way of derogation from Article 23 or Article 23a, the competent authorities may authorise the release of certain frozen funds or economic resources or the making available of certain funds or economic resources, after having determined that the funds or economic resources concerned are necessary for extraordinary expenses provided that, where the authorisation concerns a person, entity or body listed in Annex XIII, the UN Security Council has been notified of that determination by the Member State concerned and the determination has been approved by the UN Security Council. En (b) the wild animals do not come from a habitat in a restricted zone which is subject to movement restrictions concerning the animal species to which they belong due to the occurrence of a listed disease as referred to in point (d) of Article 9(1) or of an emerging disease, as provided for in Article 70(2) and in any rules adopted pursuant to point (b) of Article 70(3), Article 71(3) and Article 83(3) or the emergency measures provided for in Articles 257 and 258 and any rules adopted pursuant to Article 259, unless derogations have been granted in accordance with those rules.
1.0 2018-06-27. 2018-06-28 weekly 1.0 /blog/prezentatsiya-na-temu-zveri-severnogo-polyusa-dlya-srednej-gruppi/. Obrazec komandirovochnogo udostovereniya v kazahstane. 1.0.club/page/gdz-po-geometrii-didakticheskie-materiali-za-9-klass/ 2018-06-28.