Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders Iphone

Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders Iphone 4,3/5 4373 reviews

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To further simplify matters we can easily schedule a single commandline without the need for an external script file. This makes maintennce much easier. Simplicity is usually the better choice. Sometimes using a script is like suing a sledgehammer to hang a picture because someone told you a sledgehammer was the best hammer. Jv Indeed one could. However, since 'rd' is an internal command processor command, it is probably necessary to invoke the command processor first for a scheduled task (which, unfortunately, makes things a little less simple): cmd /c rd /s /q 'd: My Folder'.

Buklet o zdorovom obraze zhizni. May 16, 2013  Re: delete all files in folder and subfolders Dominic, thanks for your help. That is a much simpler macro than any I've seen and I think I may even understand it. The easiest and quickest way I found to do this was to condense the folders down to one or a few and then delete that folder with all its sub-folders. You can do this simply by dragging and dropping one folder into another.

To further simplify matters we can easily schedule a single commandline without the need for an external script file. This makes maintennce much easier. Simplicity is usually the better choice. Sometimes using a script is like suing a sledgehammer to hang a picture because someone told you a sledgehammer was the best hammer. Jv Indeed one could. However, since 'rd' is an internal command processor command, it is probably necessary to invoke the command processor first for a scheduled task (which, unfortunately, makes things a little less simple): cmd /c rd /s /q 'd: My Folder'.

To further simplify matters we can easily schedule a single commandline without the need for an external script file. This makes maintennce much easier. Simplicity is usually the better choice. Sometimes using a script is like suing a sledgehammer to hang a picture because someone told you a sledgehammer was the best hammer. Jv Indeed one could. However, since 'rd' is an internal command processor command, it is probably necessary to invoke the command processor first for a scheduled task (which, unfortunately, makes things a little less simple): cmd /c rd /s /q 'd: My Folder' Yes but it still does not require a batch file. Note also that it can easily be set up to do logging all on the one line.

If you want to delete all files in a folder, including all subfolders and not rely on some error conditions to keep the root folder intact (like I saw in another answer) you could have a batch file like this: @echo off REM Checking for command line parameter if '%~1'==' ( echo Parameter required. Exit /b 1 ) else ( REM Change directory and keep track of the previous one pushd '%~1' if errorlevel 1 ( REM The directory passed from command line is not valid, stop here. Exit /b%errorlevel% ) else ( REM First we delete all files, including the ones in the subdirs, without confirmation del * /S /Q REM Then we delete all the empty subdirs that were left behind for /f%%D IN ('dir /b /s /a:d '%~1') DO rmdir /S /Q '%%D' REM Change directory back to the previous one popd REM All good. Exit /b 0 ) ) And then you would simply call it with: empty_my_folder.bat 'C: whatever is my folder'. This worked better for me when I had spaces in the folder names. @echo off REM ---- Batch file to clean out a folder REM Checking for command line parameter if '%~1'==' ( echo Parameter required.


Exit /b 1 ) else ( echo *********************************************************************************** echo *** Deleting all files, including the ones in the subdirs, without confirmation *** del '%~1 *' /S /Q echo *********************************************************************************** REM Deleting all the empty subdirs that were left behind FOR /R '%~1'%%D IN (.) DO ( if '%%D'=='%~1.' ( echo *** Cleaning out folder:%~1 *** ) else ( echo Removed folder '%%D' rmdir /S /Q '%%D' ) ) REM All good. To delete file: del PATH_TO_FILE To delete folder with all files in it: rmdir /s /q PATH_TO_FOLDER To delete all files from specific folder (not deleting folder itself) is a little bit complicated. Del /s *.* cannot delete folders, but removes files from all subfolder. So two commands are needed: del /q PATH_TO_FOLDER *.* for /d%i in (PATH_TO_FOLDER *.*) do @rmdir /s /q '%i' You can create a script to delete whatever you want (folder or file) like this mydel.bat: @echo off setlocal enableextensions if '%~1'==' ( echo Usage:%0 path exit /b 1 ):: check whether it is folder or file set ISDIR=0 set ATTR=%~a1 set DIRATTR=%ATTR:~0,1% if /i '%DIRATTR%'=='d' set ISDIR=1:: Delete folder or file if%ISDIR%==1 (rmdir /s /q '%~1') else (del '%~1') exit /b%ERRORLEVEL% Few example of usage: mydel.bat 'path to folder with spaces' mydel.bat path to file_or_folder.