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Ως ζελέ, έχει αντιφλεγμονώδη δράση και βοηθά στην τοπική επούλωση πληγών, ενώ σε πόσιμη μορφή φαίνεται να βοηθά όσους έχουν φλεγμονώδη νόσο του εντέρου. Η πλούσια περιεκτικότητα της αλόης σε μέταλλα όπως ψευδάργυρο, ασβέστιο και σίδηρο, αλλά και στις βιταμίνες Α, C, E, φολικό οξύ, Β1, Β2, Β3, Β6 και Β12 «καθαρίζει» και ενδυναμώνει το σώμα μας εφόσον συνεισφέρει στην εύρυθμη λειτουργία του εγκεφάλου και του νευρικού συστήματος. Τα μέταλλα, τα αμινοξέα και τα λιπαρά οξέα σταθεροποιούν το μεταβολισμό και γι’ αυτό βοηθούν στο να χάσουμε πιο εύκολα κιλά, εκτός από το να έχουμε έναν υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής. Όλα αυτά τα οφέλη για την υγεία μας, μπορούμε να τα έχουμε πίνοντας χυμό αλόης!
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On the evening of February 23, a little more than a day after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev in the middle of the night, ceding power to protesters on the Maidan, Dmitry Kiselev was in an especially apocalyptic mood. Kiselev is host of “Vesti Nedeli,” or “News of the Week,” which airs on Rossiya, a state-owned channel that reaches 90 percent of Russian households. Every Sunday for two hours, he holds forth on his many bugbears, phobias, and hatreds: the degenerate West, traitorous liberals at home. In recent months, the show had developed a near single-minded fixation on Ukraine—or as, Kiselev saw it, the fascist usurpers that had seized power in Kiev and were being propped up by the NATO machine.
On this particular night, he declared that the ouster of the Putin-aligned Yanukovych government represented nothing less than the “end of statehood” for Ukraine. The country was now under “external control,” he said, by which he meant the shadowy forces of the West. “With the starry blue flags of the European Union, made smoky from the fumes of burning tires, the country was plunged into a condition in which human life is only worth a kopek.” Since the Maidan protests, and especially after the fall of Yanukovych, Russian television has been engaged in a propaganda onslaught unprecedented in the post-Soviet era, implying or inventing dark suspicions about Western motives in Ukraine while painting Russia’s own meddling as a heroic answer to the call of justice. Kiselev is the most high-profile, not to mention theatrically gifted, character in this on-air drama. At 60, he has a round, soft face, thin white hair cut short to the scalp, and a smile that is at once cherubic and menacing. His delivery is dynamic and highly mannered—he paces across the set and punctuates his points with the hand gestures of an overeager mime. He might make his fingers dance in the air or glide his hand across his body, while accusing pro-European protesters in Kiev of launching a “war against Russia,” or declaring the violent clashes between protesters and police last December to be a “co-production” ordered and paid for by the U.S.